Solar energy for the home: The comprehensive guide to a sunny future

February 22, 2024

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Solar energy is no longer just a trend, but an established and efficient source of energy for the home. In this comprehensive blog post, I explain how each and every one of us can make a contribution to the energy transition with solar energy for the home and save costs in the long term at the same time.

What is solar energy and why is it so important?

Solar energy is the energy that is radiated by the sun and converted into electricity using solar cells. This form of energy production is not only inexhaustible, but also environmentally friendly, as no pollutants are released when sunlight is converted into electricity. In view of the global climate crisis and limited fossil fuel reserves, solar energy offers a clean and sustainable alternative.

How does a solar system for the home work?

A photovoltaic system (PV system) is the heart of solar energy for the home. It consists of several components:

  1. solar modules: They convert sunlight into direct current.
  2. inverter: This device converts the direct current into alternating current that can be used in the household.
  3. mounting system: This is used to attach the solar modules to the roof or other suitable locations.
  4. connection and grid integration: The system is connected to the home's own power grid and, if necessary, to the public power grid.

The advantages of solar energy for the home

The use of solar energy in your own home offers numerous advantages:

  • Energy cost savings: In the long term, you can significantly reduce your electricity bill as you generate your own electricity.
  • Independence: With a PV system, you reduce your dependence on external energy suppliers and electricity price fluctuations.
  • Environmentally friendly**: Solar energy is a clean energy source that helps to reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Increase in property value: A solar system can increase the value of your home.
  • State support and feed-in tariffs: Many countries offer financial incentives to encourage the installation of solar panels.

Steps to your own solar system

1st Needs analysis and planning: Determine your annual electricity consumption, taking into account future changes such as buying an electric car.2 Site analysis: Check whether your roof is suitable for a solar installation. The orientation, inclination and possible shading play an important role here.3 Quotes and advice: Obtain quotes from various providers and get comprehensive advice.4 Comparison and selection: Compare offers not only by price, but also by quality of components and services.5 Financing and funding: Find out about financing options and government subsidy programs.6 Installation and commissioning: Commission a qualified specialist company to carry out the installation. After installation and registration with the relevant authorities, your system can go into operation.

Maintenance and operation

A solar system is largely low-maintenance. Nevertheless, you should have regular inspections carried out to ensure the performance and safety of the system. A monitoring system can help to monitor the yield of your system and detect anomalies at an early stage.


1 how long does a solar system last?

A solar system has a service life of approx. 20 to 30 years.

2 What does a solar system cost?  

The costs vary depending on the size and quality of the system as well as regional conditions.

3 How much space do I need for a solar system?  

You should plan for around 6-10 m² of roof area per kWp.

4 Do I need a permit for a solar system?  

This depends on the local building regulations. In many cases, a permit is not required, but registration with the relevant authorities is.

5 Can I store solar energy?  

Yes, with a solar energy storage system you can store the electricity generated for use in the evening or on cloudy days.

6 Is a solar system worthwhile even without a feed-in tariff?  

Yes, you can save money in the long term, especially by consuming the electricity you generate yourself.

Solar energy for the home is a smart decision that pays off in many ways. Start your solar future now!